Thursday, August 21, 2008

I heart Africa!

Hello friends! How is everyone doing? I am doing well! My two weeks in Tanzania were amazing! If you look to the left you can see Maria our Tanzanian friend who helped my team around the city! She really liked her Texas shirt! We went on assignments around the villages and got to talk to people. Africa is beautiful and heart breaking all at once. I cannot even describe it to you, you must experience it for yourself. When we went on our assignments we got to ride these crazy city buses called Dola Dola's that were so cram packed with people you couldn't even believe it. If there wasn't any room to squeeze any more people on, you just hung out the door and held on for dear life! Don't fear though, they have trained me well! I even learned about the mango fly that lays its eggs on your wet laundry and burrows into your skin until it hatches out of you! Yuck! No worries though, now I am safely on my island where there are no mango flies hooray! We have been traveling around the island this week and experiencing life here. We went to a grocery store our first day, and lets just say you do not realize how good you have it in America until you come to another country! There is no milk, spaggetti sauce, and the only lunch meat they have is ham! But that is okay, in Tanzania we learned how to eat the same exact thing for lunch and dinner for two weeks straight! Lets just say that cooking here is going to be an experiment- thats for sure! Yesterday we went to a hindu temple where there was a statue of a god that was four stories high, it really broke our hearts for the people here. Tomorrow we get to go to the beach, so we are all looking forward to that! I miss you all very much but am having a great time here. Please keep me and my team in our thoughts! Love you! Andrea


Ms. Woodard's Class said...

YAY! you posted! The good thing about experimenting with cooking is that you are really good at that. You can take anything and make something good of it! well except you califlower pasta..haha. Well i love you and I am glad you are having a good time and learning about the city!