Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sharing the gospel all around...

I had a great day today! After months of trying, I finally got to blatantly share the gospel. So today, my teammate Kitty and I went to a study seminar at the University that our friends were teaching. We had made some acquaintances with a few girls there, but not real connections. Well after the teaching was done, people were hanging around and I look and one of our friends was sharing the gospel with a young man, and then another friend was sharing with a was just crazy! So then Kathleen "kitty" and I start talking to the girls that we knew who were sitting behind us. To make a long story short, we started asking what they believe, and about reincarnation (they are Hindu), and what will happen when they die, and they really didn't have an answer for a lot of stuff that they believed in. So we started talking about what we believed in and laying out the gospel, and they started realizing that a lot of what they believe didn't make much sense (like karma and reincarnation). Now we are having lunch with them next week, so hopefully we will be able to talk more please pray for that! Ultimately, it just felt great to finally share the good news with someone after so long. It was an amazing day! God is good!


brittanytx said...

ummm Andrea, that is freakin amazing. I'm continually sending prayers your way. We miss you very much here, but think you are for sure in your element of sharing the Word. You're amazing! Mwah!